J. Raymond Construction - Sonic Automotive, Inc.
Contractors Pollution Professional Liability Carrier: E - Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s Claims Made and Reported Coverages: Coverage A - Protective Errors & Omissions Coverage B - Professional Liability Coverage C - Contractor's Pollution Liability Coverage D - Transportation Pollution Liability Coverage E - Non-Owned Disposal Site Coverage F - Mitigation of Damages Coverage G - Site Pollution Liability Retroactive Dates:
Coverage A - 7/1/2012 Coverage B - 7/1/2012 Coverage C - 7/1/2012 Coverage D - 7/1/2012 Coverage E - Per Expiring Coverage F - 7/1/2012 Coverage G - 7/1/2012 Limits: Each Claim - $2,000,000 Aggregate - $2,000,000 Supplemental Coverages:
A. Claim Expense for Disciplinary Proceedings - $10,000/$100,000 Aggregate B. Litigation Expense Reimbursement - $500 day/claim; $5,000 Aggregate C. Subpoena Expenses Coverage Extension - $10,000/$100,000 Aggregate D. ADA and FHA Expense Reimbursement - $10,000/$100,000 Aggregate E. Corporate Reputation Rehabilitation - $10,000/$100,000 Aggregate Deductibles Each Claim – All Coverages Except F - $25,000 per Claim Aggregate – All Coverages Except F - $75,000/$5,000 Maintentance Deductible Coverage F - $25,000 per Claim
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