J. Raymond Construction - Selig Enterprises, Inc.
December 6, 2017 Mr. Adam McDowell Construction Manager Selig Enterprises, Inc. 1100 Spring Street NW Suite 550 Atlanta, GA 30309-2848 RE: J. Raymond Construction Credential Package Dear Adam:
Thank you for meeting with Jeremy Thompson last week at CenterBuild. Jeremy shared with me and my colleagues that Selig Enterprises has upcoming projects in south Florida. Thus, I’d like to brief you on J. Raymond Construction, our qualifications and how we can be of help to you. As Selig Enterprises approaches its second century in operation Adam we hope to establish a mutually productive relationship and hope that this package will give you the “big picture” of our history, personnel and values as well as our construction experience throughout Florida and the southeast. I would like to share with you a few of the highlights from the package: ♦ 2017 is our 28 th year in business ♦ All our work has been in the privately financed commercial market including retail, auto, medical, office, mixed use, manufacturing, warehousing, parking structures, religious and non-profit. ♦ We have never missed an owner’s opening date nor have we been in litigation with a client, subcontractor or supplier ♦ 2016 Revenue was $163 Million, 2017 is projected to be $170 Million ♦ Financially strong – can bond up to a $125 Million single project, $175 Million aggregate ♦ Highly advanced technologically in our estimating, project management, field operations, client communication, reporting and Building Information Modeling capabilities. ♦ We build the R.I.G.H.T. way, R espect, I ntegrity, G olden Rule, H umility and T rust
465 West Warren Avenue, Longwood, FL 32750 Phone: (407) 862-6966 Fax: (407) 862-1250 General Contractors / CGC 048800 / www.jray.com
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