J. Raymond Construction - Richard L. Bowen & Associates, Inc.
§ 1.3 Ifyour organization is a corporation, answer the following: § 1.3.1 Date ofincorporation: 3/1/1989 § 1.3.2 State ofincorporation: Florida
§ 1.3.3 President's name: John Raymond Sofarelli § 1.3.4 Vice-president's name(s) § J. Russell Suddeth / Sr. VP / O wner Dan Cramer / Sr. Project Manager / Partner Jon H. Roemer / VP Pre-Con. Services / Partner Scott Mellen / Sr. Project Manager / Partner Tom B orgia / CF O / Partner Adam Spiewak / Sr. Project Manager / Partner
§ 1.3.5 Secretary's name: John Raymond Sofarelli § 1.3.6 Treasurer's name: John Raymond Sofarelli § 1.4 Ifyour organization is a partnership, answer the following: § 1.4.1 Date oforganization: § 1.4.2 Type ofpartnership (ifapplicable): § 1.4.3 Name(s) ofgeneral partner(s) § 1.5 Ifyour organization is individually owned, answer the following: § 1.5.1 Date oforganization: § 1.5.2 Name ofowner:
§ 1.6 Ifthe form ofyour organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals:
§ 2. LICENSING § 2.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license numbers, ifapplicable.
State Certified Class "A" General Contractor
John Raymond Sofarelli CGC032999 (Florida), 16-978775 (Maryland), GI 15786 (South Carolina), 44769 (North Carolina), 00063183 (Tennessee), Registration number K811622 (Georgia) J. Russell Suddeth CGC048800 (Florida), GCQA002760 (Georgia), 45744 (Alabama) Tom Lail 51276 (Louisiana) 21077-MC (Mississippi) Jon Roemer CGC1526219 (Florida)
§ 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed.
§ 3. EXPERIENCE § 3.1 List the categories ofwork that your organization normally performs with its own forces.
Supervision, Construction Management Concrete/Formwork Carpentry
§ 3.2 Claims and Suits. (Ifthe answer to any ofthe questions below is yes, please attach details.) § 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it?
AIA Document A305 ™ - 1986. Copyright©1964, 1969, 1979 and 1986 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING : This AIA ® Document Is protected by U . S . Copyr i ght Law and I nte rn atio n a l Treat i es . Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA ., Document, or any 2 portion of it, may r esul t I n severe civil and cr i m i na l pena l t i es , and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law . This document was produced by AIA software at 16:41:48 on 09/02/2015 under Order No.0657456901_1 which expires on 04/10/2016, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1634102349)
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